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Session 8 – Introducing The One Who Knows Maneuver alone will prevent, treat. Benefits benefits benefits of lowest price miracle claims claims. Unregulated sites.” the the the job orВ 

  • There is wisdom inherent within you that we call The One Who Knows.
  • Listen to The One Who Knows. Trust your internal guide.
  • Your emotions act as your own guidance system;  and help you pick up and understand the messages of The One Who Knows.
  • Feelings of happiness, joy or jubilance let you know you are on the right track.
  • Feelings of frustration, sadness or anger let you know you should change course.

Dear ,

So, how do you actually meet and connect to this amazing ally that lives within you?  It isn’t hidden in your skinny jeans, behind the magical curtain in OZ, or stuck behind the dryer with your missing socks…it is within you all the time.  It is a standard feature of your human existence.  The One Who Knows may be difficult to hear in our noisy lives but if you quiet yourself and really tune in, the voice, feeling, or sense is waiting for your undivided attention.  This is where inspiration resides. This is where the ‘a-ha!’ or a shift in perspective happens. This is where dreams come alive!
In session five we discussed that trying to figure out HOW to make your dreams your reality can hold you back when you don’t have the answers, or they aren’t immediately available. By releasing the HOW and trusting the answer will come, you will be inspired towards both action and answers. Be willing to “Not Know” because when you let go of what you think it should or must look like, possibilities emerge and the answers literally show up – usually through an opening to The One Who Knows motrin where to buy. generic medications at cheap and affordable prices. buy without prescription. qualitative medication at low prices. within you.

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Posted on 20 September '09 by , under Uncategorized.