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The physical aspects of an individual are closely tied into the emotional, mental and spiritual dimensions of that same person. In fact, a multitude of studies demonstrate that the cognitive aspects of athletic tasks are nearly as important as the physical ones. The key though, to any athletic accomplishment, is that you recognize that the successful accomplishment is made possible because of a systematic combination of skills within the action being mastered.

If you have every played a sport competitively, you will understand quite clearing how powerful the mental and physical game of the sport is – and how vital it is that each and every cognitive and physical component of the game must build upon each other. Cognitive components of skill acquisition include memory, interpretation of feedback, decision-making, problem-solving, and visualization. This means that we must be able to:

(a) Remember what we have done, what worked, and what didn’t;

(b) Have an understanding of the relative success or failure of our tactics;

(c) Develop an ability to choose quickly from among our various options and make an informed, sensible decision;

(d) Use our abilities to overcome unique or new obstacles we face;

(e) Create a visualization of what exactly we are doing now, what would be best to do, and imagine ourselves performing the skill successfully.

There is a famous story about a gymnastics coach who taught one of his students an entire routine with no physical practice whatsoever. Because of an injury, she was prevented from actually practicing the routine except within her mind, yet when she finally went out to try it, she hit every move perfectly the first time. The coach was so flabbergasted that he never used the technique again. While it’s not advisable to quite physical practice altogether, it does make sense to benefit by adding these Thriving Techniques to your success arsenal in sports. So when creating a map for a goal, whether or not it is something that requires physical mastery, be sure to add to your “to-do” list tasks that develop the visualization and positive imaging techniques you have used in this course. You’d be foolish not to use them, wouldn’t you?
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Many sports such as golf, tennis and skating, not only require physical skills, but a strong mental game as well. Most coaches preach the line that sports are 90% mental and only 10% physical especially in sports where hundredths of a second or tenths of an inch separate the champions from the mediocre athletes. Hence, numerous athletes are turning towards mental imagery to take their game to the next level.

Effective imagery in sports has been used to enhance: mental practice of specific performance skills, improving confidence and positive thinking, problem solving, controlling arousal and anxiety, performance review and analysis, preparation for performance, and maintaining mental freshness during injury. In other words, when you are creating your action plans – be sure to think outside the traditional box – regardless of the topic. Those actions, taken together, as practice and with intention – those are what establish results. As first name insert Nott, the first American to win the Olympic weightlifting gold in 40 years said, “Weightlifting is a very mental sport, if you don’t believe you can lift the weight, even if you are strong enough, you aren’t going to lift the weight.”


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Posted on 19 September '09 by , under Uncategorized.