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When Julie was a little girl, she never knew she wasn’t the prettiest or the smartest girl until someone told her she wasn’t.  The first time someone called her fat, she had to ask her mom what that meant.  Even though Julie was raised in a loving and supportive family- with great parents and sisters, her negative core beliefs had started to solidify at a young age.  Not knowing enough to dispute the negative criticisms from her peers, she sought out the opinions of the adults around her.  The most obvious choice was her 3rd Grade teacher, Mrs. Lock.  She had taught Julie’s sister, Jill, the year before – and had high hopes for Julie.  During a parent teacher conference, little Julie overheard Mrs. Lock telling her parents that she certainly wasn’t the student that Jill was, and that due to her social flightiness, she probably wouldn’t amount to much.  Julie started to believe what all of those other kids had said – because if a teacher agreed with them, then surely it was true.  For many years, Julie remained involved in the social activities that school had to offer, and shied away from the academics.  But, when Julie was 10 years old, a new teacher came to her school and shook things up.  He looked at the world differently, and encouraged all of his students to do so as well.  He had each of his students evaluate their strengths and then investigate what professions were in alignment with those strengths.  It was the first time that Julie ever really thought about what she was capable of – based on what she really liked! Julie loved creative writing, she loved making people laugh, and (despite Mrs. Lock) she actually loved to learn.  This was when Julie discovered that her Negative Core Beliefs could be challenged, and even more importantly, could be replaced altogether with positive ones! Thanks to the new teacher, Julie went on to graduate high school as the Valedictorian, be crowned Prom Queen by her senior class, and was voted “Most Likely to do Something Worth Remembering”.  Julie wrote and sold her first television show to Sony Television at 24, optioned her first book to Warner Brothers at 26, and packaged and sold 8 television shows for her clients to CBS, Showtime, Paramount and Discovery by the time she was 34!  For a little girl who wasn’t supposed to amount to much, she hasn’t done too bad!                                                                                                                                            Submitted by Julie H.

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